O que é SEO? Search Engine Optimization | Marketing Digital de A a Z

O que é SEO? Search Engine Optimization | Marketing Digital de A a Z

Surely you've heard of Google. Every time a website or a page is published on the internet, Google and other search engines
also try to find these pages, index them and then show them in the
search results  when a person does a search. But, do you agree that there are hundreds of thousands
of pages being published virtually all the time? This makes competition between
these pages and sites very high, and what can you do to make your site
stay ahead of other pages and appear in the top positions on Google? You can use a technique called SEO. Want to know more? I'm Darlan Evandro and welcome to another Digital Marketing video from A to Z.

[Music] Hey guys, okay? In this video we
are going to talk about SEO. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. Free translation is optimization for search engines. It's up to you to work, apply techniques on your website, on your content so that it is found and indexed by search engines  , thus achieving better positions in the search results. SEO is practically a free technique, you don't need to pay to appear in better results on Google. Of course, you need knowledge and invest
time, invest in creating content so that your content can reach better positions. But you will appear in the organic results, which are the results that are not paid. This is the interesting thing about using SEO techniques.

And the truth is that one of the greatest ambitions of companies that use Digital Marketing as a sales strategy is to reach the top positions in search engines. After all, who wouldn't want access, attract customers and sell for free on the internet? I believe every company would. And how does it work? What techniques can you apply to your website, to your content, so that it becomes more relevant on Google and, consequently, generates more business? The first thing you need to understand is that everything starts when the user searches the internet.

Let's imagine that the user is looking for how to make an orange cake. Google's goal is to always offer the best results for those searching, that is, to bring the searcher the best results from the entire internet on "how to make an orange cake". And what is the best content for Google, what will it show the user? Everything will depend on the search that the user does. Google's algorithm is extremely complex and it learns according to each search that people make. But, for this search "how to make an orange cake", what could be the best content? Theoretically, a website with a recipe for an orange cake, for example, on this page could contain some photos of a ready-made orange cake, so that the user could see how this cake would look, it could contain a
complete recipe, ingredients, method of preparation, preparation time, it could even have an explanatory video
with the recipe step-by-step, it could contain links so that the person could buy the ingredients online, among many other things.

That is, if the content is relevant to the user and this page is optimized for Google, through SEO techniques, the chances of it being among the first positions are very high. So basically, that's SEO. It's you using optimization techniques to show Google that your website is related to what people are looking for. Of course, I won't be able, through this video alone, to bring SEO techniques here for you to apply on your website, because the video would be too long and that's not the purpose of this video. This video is just to show you, explain what SEO is and how it can
be used in your strategy. I have a simple material that talks about SEO, brings some tips, some strategies that you can apply on your website. This content is free, I make
it available on Instagram, if you're interested, just go there @darlanevandro, send me a
message: Darlan, I want SEO material. Then, as soon as possible, I'll send you this free content. Beauty? I really hope you enjoyed this video, study a lot about SEO as this can be a very strong strategy for your company.

If you want to see more videos on this channel on SEO techniques, website optimization, how to appear on Google for free, leave a comment here, it's very important for me to know your opinion. Beauty? I'll stop here, a big hug and see you next time..

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