13 QUICK Small Business TIPS For Local SEO

13 QUICK Small Business TIPS For Local SEO

Did you know the reason most people 
don't succeed in Google My Business   is because they have no time, no time to SEO you 
may have found that 30 days was just too much all   in one go and understandably it was a challenge 
some of you managed it a lot of you perhaps have   just hand-picked a couple of videos along the 
way but the fact is you still want that massive   traffic that would come from 30 consistent days 
and there are things you can still do so that you   don't miss out on that massive traffic that you 
could have received so it's day 30 the last day   I'm going to pick out now the 13 most important 
tips that I could give you from the 30 days that   we've spent together these 30 tips will have an 
immediate impact on your traffic if you apply   them today and I've heard from quite a few 
of you that have already seen great growth   in your traffic over the past 30 days so thank 
you for sending that information through so   here are my best 13 small business tips to help 
you grow your business and we're going to start   with number one insights now insights is just a 
place you can find information about what you're   doing it gives you the keywords it tells you how 
people contact you it gives you ideas as to what   keywords are working currently and bringing in 
traffic so if you're familiar with analytics   you'll know that insights is a very shortened 
version of analytics but it's specifically aimed   for giving you that information through google 
my business but insights isn't just about traffic   and understanding keywords it's also about 
understanding how your branding is improving   and so you'll notice that over the past 30 
days I've often spoken about the importance   of getting your brand known use the logo make sure 
that you use keywords also that bring emphasis   onto your brand so you need to look to see 
what quality traffic have you had coming in   since you started making the changes from 
day one and if you haven't made many changes   then you need to focus on insights going forward 
as well so notice what's worked what hasn't worked   if something's working increase it so if you're 
getting more views through photos if you're seeing   a certain keyword being used that people are 
finding you through maps or through searches   then carry on using those things and you'll then 
see further growth tip number two is a course   now of course this was a 30-day challenge it 
is a course it's a free course but a lot of you   have asked could you have that spreadsheet that 
i showed earlier on that had shown three months   basically of work to get these videos put together 
I've done better than that what I've decided to do   is I've put all that information that I've used 
for these videos all of the images all the charts   all the extra videos that perhaps have been linked 
in as well all the extra tools I've referred to   I've put it all together along with some 
bonus information and I've produced a mini   website for you to go to now and on that mini 
website you'll see all 30 days you'll better go   along the navigation and you'll be able to see 
that extra information i've added there for you   so every link tool image chart information 
is all there plus the bonus content too   so all you need to do is go to zanet.co.uk forward 
slash boost my business I'll put a link down below   and you'll be able to then see how that works but 
not just that i've also put together the complete   playlist as well so if you wanted to you can click 
on the playlist which again I'll have at the end   of the video so for those that watch this video 
to the end, you'll be given the special link to   the playlist that will give you every single day 
that you can go through in order so you haven't   missed anything at all now tip number three is 
categories but understanding that categories   affect your google my business listing altogether 
so often you'll find things are missing from my   videos to what you have why well it'll be down to 
the fact that your category is different to mine   mine is a web designing category yours 
might be a category for say a restaurant   so you'll have extra features that i won't so 
google my business the team they'll add certain   features and they'll decide which categories 
get those features so it could be that you find   a competitor has something you can't do but it 
could be if you notice their category is different   so it's important to understand that categories 
affect the whole of your listing so choosing   the right primary category is key secondary 
categories can help but the primary category   is how your whole business is going to be set up 
going forward so you want to make sure you don't   miss that that was covered earlier in one of my 
videos which I'll put a link to a bit later on   tip number four is customers now putting customers 
above google is key most people seem to think they   have to convince google first but actually, you'll 
notice in my 30 days that the customer comes first   so if you're thinking of keywords that's great 
that helps google but it has to make sense to the   customer first so what is it that your customers 
are doing regarding your competitor's site and why   is it they're going there and they're not coming 
to you well sometimes you can learn quite a lot   from your competitors so there's a brilliant tool 
that's just been released today i've been given   first dibs of it to show you and here you can then 
see you can check out what your competitors are   how you're competing against them and it's totally 
free it's a brilliant tool so all you need to do   is just put in what is your category then you put 
in what your company is and it will then tell you   how you do against a competition but the advantage 
of this is it'll show you who your competition is   and how far away you are from them beating them 
so really useful tool here totally free link down   below as well for you and although we're saying 
customers first keywords do have quite a lot of   importance to help your customers find you so your 
customers know what keywords they use when they   search in google you need to find out what it is 
they're using so that's how you put your customers   first but the same time you help google then 
give the right customers to the right business   you want to be that right business tip number five 
is all about post now so often I sell this channel   to regularly update your posts and we've tried for 
at least 30 days different types of posts what's   new posts offer posts product posts even we've 
just recently done but when it comes to posts   just think in terms of that Alex Tew example now 
again I'll put a link to this where you can see   that Alex Tew recognized that every pixel has a 
value and we worked out that it would be 218 000   if you took pixel by pixel what your post is worth 
now obviously it doesn't bring that type of income   in but the fact that you can have regular 
posts for free is free advertising through   Google so don't miss out on the importance of 
regularly putting out a post at least once a week   three or four times a week would be even better 
why at least once a week because after seven days   your post is lost tip number six is offers now 
just think in terms of offers, offers through   google my business you can do that through posts 
as well they're really powerful they can really   capture people's interests they also use an 
h2 tag so from an seo point of view we looked   at the reasons to why that was so powerful but 
secondly, also you can do offers to your followers   so if you've downloaded the google my business 
app you'll know you can have followers and you   can do a special opening offer to your followers 
now that might not fit every type of business type   but most people don't know about that so that's my 
next tip is just find out if you've got any offers   you can use them through Google My Business and 
you can use them through the app so tip number 007   is empathy.

Empathy is about feeling for your 
customers putting yourself in your customer's shoes   imagining what it's like to be one of your 
customers, it's quite sobering sometimes to   think that way but simply put you are the business 
client suddenly so what's working what do you like   about your business but also what don't you 
like about the way that you're doing business   try and think it through from their point of 
view what can you do to attract new customers   what is it that your customers are saying they 
like about other businesses around you do they   mention concerns about the price the guarantees 
are they looking for a product that you don't do   well if you're thinking of your customers then 
you'll make those changes and that's where   empathy comes in in business it's important 
to understand and understand what people are   thinking and saying about you now tip number 
eight is photos now photos clearly have an impact   on the amount of traffic you get to your Google My Business and of course google my business then has   links out to your website your booking and so on 
so potentially you could get a lot more traffic   through your photos if they're added on a regular 
basis they produce a lot of views I will say that   at the moment videos don't seem to be working very 
well certainly in the UK they're not working so   well at this time so I'm not too sure what google 
is doing with that but google do certainly reward   and they show you through insights and for 
analytics that customer photos is the key   thing at the moment so when you speak to your 
customers can you get them to upload photos   of the work the services the products that you've 
produced if you can then that will go down really   well in google's algorithm at this time and if 
you want to know more about that on day four   we did a video that showed you how you get 
huge traffic through google photos so look   out for that tip number nine is keywords now 
we've mentioned keywords earlier and keywords   are about the words that are used in the search 
engines but keywords should changing all the time   because people are now using voice recognition 
as a way of searching too so recognize that   people now use different words what they used 
a few years ago so even with local SEO certain   words are used that aren't used in general SEO so 
understanding that understanding how keywords work   and understanding the tools you can use to find 
out what your clients are using as keywords   is a really helpful way of making progress I'll 
give you a great understanding of your customers   which will mean in time they'll want to come 
to you because you understand them tip number   10 with strategies so think of your strategy 
if you have no strategy you won't progress if   you don't progress you won't get traffic if 
you don't get traffic the algorithm thinks   that the business isn't doing very well and so 
you'll just sink further and further so you have   to have a plan you have to have a strategy with 
google my business and that's one of the things   we looked at and strategies are just according to 
what insights tells you and according to what your   customers are telling you too so you need to have 
a strategy i put together three small little plans   little strategies that you can follow through 
in that video and you can follow through here   tip number 11 is to get reviews everyone seems to 
want to get reviews reviews are probably the most   evident way in which you're doing well if people 
give you some great reviews you tend to feel that   your business is doing well and of course they 
have a very positive impact on other people   considering to do business with you so how do you 
get reviews well i put together an email as to how   you could ask for reviews and you'll see this here 
again if you go to the website you'll be able to   download that particular review letter and it's 
had great success so try it out see if that works   for you so that's my tip number 11.

Tip number 12 
is nap nap but it stands for name address phone   number and you can add to that website you can add 
to that other credibility things that are needed   but basically google as much as it builds up its 
own understanding of your business it likes to   get reassurance from others too so citations and 
indexes they tend to also give you credibility so   think not just in terms of google my business but 
think in terms of everything else outside of that   is that supporting the consistency of what you 
told google when you put together your google   my business listing so your name address and phone 
number need to be the same most people don't even   worry too much about whether they're the same or 
not what my suggestion would be to you and my tip   would be to you is use your google my business 
listing as the go-to source copy and paste that   into all the other areas so if you're putting 
together facebook yale apple wherever you're going   and you're filling in information use the 
google my business listing as the basis for that   information now if they're asking for information 
you haven't got in google my business well that's   different but certainly your name address phone 
number needs to be identical and when we say   identical even things like the hours that you use 
your opening hours that can make a difference to   whether or not you're credible in google and tip 
number 13 is control do you really have control   over your google my business listing well some of 
it you do in fact probably 70 percent of it you do   but there's about 30 you have no control over and 
there's maybe a few bits in between there are gray   areas too but we had a really interesting video 
about the knowledge panel and how getting control   over those things is difficult to do in some 
areas so are you aware of what you can control   and are you aware of what you can't control and 
are you aware of who is controlling the things   that you can't control well that's an important 
part of understanding local seo and particularly   if you can make time for that video then that'll 
be one that i'd certainly recommend that you look   at which again i'll put a link above as well 
for you to go straight over after this video   so although at the moment you may not have any 
time to follow through on the 30 days those were   13 tips that are probably the most important 
ones of the 30 days that we spent together   but also it's giving you a glimpse into seeing 
the types of things we covered in the 30 days so   if you've only managed a handful of those days go 
back on this playlist now which i'll leave a link   to and then make sure you don't miss the important 
days that are going to help your business grow   because it's a small investment but it will 
require a little bit of time no time for seo   just make a bit of time for it today 
and it could have quite a difference

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