SEO und SEA – die Unterschiede! | AdWords für Anfänger | Smarketer

SEO und SEA – die Unterschiede! | AdWords für Anfänger | Smarketer

Hi I'm Eric from Smarketer and in this video I'm going to explain the difference between SEO and SEA. When you enter a search term on Google , the organic search results are displayed on the Google search results page. On the other hand, you see the search results that are marked with the term ad. These are paid search ads that you can place using Google Ads. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and includes all measures that you can apply directly to your website to achieve a good ranking on Google. This includes good and relevant content. And technical optimization to improve the usability of your website. With a little time and know-how, you can use this improvement for free. SEA, on the other hand, stands for Search Engine Advertising and is the umbrella term for paid advertisements that you can place on Google.

This includes, for example, ads in Google Search on Google Shopping and in the Google Display Network. The paid ads can appear above, below or next to the organic search results . With paid ads, you can achieve your first advertising success after a short time. SEO measures usually take a little longer for this. As an entrepreneur, due to the different areas of application and the different functions, you should therefore use a good mix of both measures and be successful with your company . If you liked the video , subscribe to our channel and watch the next video until next time..

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