Jump Ahead with Keywords for Google My Business SEO

Jump Ahead with Keywords for Google My Business SEO

So what's your view on SEO and keywords well 
first of all, let's just say what SEO is SEO   stands for search engine optimization and 
SEO changes all the time so a few years ago   you used to perhaps manipulate your websites to 
be found in the search engines in this day in   age SEO has changed particularly with Google My 
Business now to the fore and being the prime way   in which Google will get your business before 
people using a search engine to find your type   of business but what I will say is if you've been 
disappointed with SEO in the past then this video   is going to change your mind when I look to SEO 
for my business a few years ago I was incredibly   disappointed people promised me I'll get you to 
number one on google for a keywords or search term   but if I would say for instance a shoe shop could 
they get me to number one for being a shoe shop   near me or locally well they probably couldn't 
in fact they told me they could get me to number   one but when I asked them what type of keyword 
they were referring to it wasn't just something   that everyone's using like a shoe shop near me 
it was for something like wellington boots used   by cowboys in oklahoma well let's face it how 
many people are going to type that expression   or that keyword wellington boots used by cowboys 
in Oklahoma into a search engine probably zero so   they're right if i did search in a search engine 
for those keywords i probably would come up to   number one but that doesn't mean I'm going to get 
any customers I want keywords that real customers   looking for my business are going to use and 
so today I'm going to show you a tool that is   incredibly useful because it analyzes what people 
are using to find businesses with it tells you   what those keywords are that are being given 
extra credit by google and then you can then   use those keywords in your very own listing to 
get an advantage in google and by doing so you're   using the keywords that real customers are using 
to search to find your competitors businesses   this tool is quite outstanding and I'm going to 
give you a link to it in the description below   and i'm going to show you how to use it too but 
before i go into that you do need to understand   that there is a section of Google that most people 
aren't using that's actually a website that's free   the reason why you need to know about that is 
because there's a few areas where you can put   keywords within google my business and knowing 
what your keywords are and then knowing where   to put them is how you're then going to get 
set for more traffic in the coming few weeks   and particularly when you write posts as well 
you need to be aware of what the keywords are   that your customers are using I think it's fair to 
say that the less words there are with a keyword   the greater the search term but the more 
competitive often it becomes so what you're   trying to do is just find a few words actually 
Brian Adams said an interesting quote he said   with few words one can speak the truth and I think 
we're going to use that for our main motto for   today's lesson would it be great if Google could 
tell you exactly what those keywords are that you   need to rank for and how it's going to help you 
rank and google does do that in fact there's two   areas i'm going to show you now that's going to 
help you get a list of keywords that you're going   to optimize then your areas of your website and 
particularly your google my business listing with   so let me just show you the first one so if 
you go over to your insights you click on   insights and then if you go to see new profile 
performance and in there it's going to give you   the very keywords that are bringing in traffic 
so here I've got the window cleaning for leru   and you notice that the branding is bringing in 
traffic but window cleaners near me is bringing   in 21 clicks Bournemouth window cleaners 
again doing quite well there with under 15   gutter cleaning the room window cleaning and 
there are more if you go into it you can get   a list of more and more and of course these are 
ones that will bring in more traffic as you grow   in ranking but that's the first thing then is 
you just want to be aware of what is genuinely   bringing in traffic and bringing in searches 
but the second area is a tool that's really good   I've just discovered this tool and I wanted to 
share it with you I don't think anyone else is   talking about this tool so let me show you it and 
I'll put a link down below in the description as   well you're definitely going to want to try this 
out so it's called surfer local so I've just done   a small search here for Southbourne window cleaner 
and you'll see that my customer who started just   just a couple of months ago is louis winder 
cleaning and he's under winter cleaning service   and he's in the southbound area and you'll see now 
he's in top two top three there's a couple of nice   little things here which i'm going to look at in a 
future video but i did do an audit so you click on   an order and this is the reason why i did this is 
because this will give you some keywords so apart   from business title which unfortunately he is 
known as larue window cleaning so that's good but   you'll notice that certain keywords come up and 
it's just by looking at what other businesses are   using that's been successful with google now you 
notice here for his business description i haven't   got the word commercial window cleaning gutter i 
haven't got a gutter cleaning fascia so these are   ones if i now start adding you'll notice they'll 
go green so gutter cleaning so if i mentioned   our cleaning company is see when i notice it's 
offering gutter cleaning and notice now it goes   to green and really what you want to do is you 
want to write articles particularly the business   description here that's going to make these 
green and what you're doing then is you're giving   google the keywords that it's ranking currently 
and bear in mind you've got 750 characters   and at the moment here i've got 280 so the first 
250 are going to be the most important characters   you want at google to find you in so you can 
type that out get it working right it's only kept   locally you then copy it and then you can then 
stick it on your description and so to do that is   you just go into your info and there at the bottom 
you've then got this opportunity to then rewrite   this but to get those keywords involved in it too 
so i think this is a really useful tool so what   are you actually going to do today then that's 
going to help you grow your business well you're   going to do these things you're going to first 
of all understand what your basic keywords are   so go to insights use our audit tool that i've got 
that i've mentioned earlier also look at your 750   word or character description and particularly 
focus on getting some good keywords that are going   to get people to click through on the first 250 
characters so now i'm just going to show you how   you can get your website up and running so if you 
go over to website and you just want to make sure   it says live here if not then you need to enable 
it where it says live and then it's just a case of   clicking edit and working through here so just 
edit these things add your title description again   add that in summary header add a body and 
this is the bit that's the about page that   you need to fill in most people don't do that 
try and format it as well as best as you can   and what that will do is then that will produce 
a website a free website and look at the menus   as well you've got updates testimonials about 
us page that about us page is that bit there   that i said about formatting and that's what you 
need to consider no one seems to be doing this   this is keywords that are in google i'll show you 
how google picks this up in tomorrow's video and   also just make sure you've filled in everything 
you can on your google my business listing   and you'll see why because by filling those things 
in now then when we go over to tomorrow's lesson   you'll see how that will then you can enable 
all the various sections to your free website   so i put to the community a few weeks ago that is 
the description area in your google my business   important does it affect the algorithm and the 
answer really is yes and no it's a true and a   false one first of all the 750 characters not all 
of that shown the first 250 though are generally   shown and even though the keywords in there may 
not necessarily affect the algorithm itself it   is going to appeal to people clicking through so 
if they read in those first few sections something   that appeals them to click through and they click 
through that is what will affect the algorithm   because it shows a signal that people are more 
interested in clicking through on your business   than someone else's that they read that didn't 
appeal to them choosing the right words in that   first 250 characters is going to be important use 
keywords that people are searching for because   if you do often it will be highlighted or will 
be in bold which will help it to stand out too   so this point is good to just ask a few questions 
that we want to be honest about to ourselves this   is where we take our business and we answer 
it to ourselves so here's your first question   when you think about your 250 characters just 
read it yourself does it encourage trust does   it build trust second question is now click over 
to your website so imagine they've gone from your   google my business listing they've now gone to 
your website does your website is it the type of   website they would expect to see if you click 
through to some of your competitors websites   how do theirs compare to yours now that varies 
because depending on what type of business you   are i mean if you're a window cleaner then it 
might be that your business wouldn't expect   to have anything more than maybe a facebook 
business page but if you're an estate agent   or if you're a solicitor then you would expect 
to have a well-presented website and if yours   doesn't look professional then people immediately 
will lose trust they'll feel that you're just not   taking your business seriously so having 
a well-developed smart looking website   will encourage people to trust it and finally i 
just want you to look at your competitors websites   then look at yours and then be honest again with 
yourself what is it that your website is doing   well what is it their websites doing well what 
do you need to change do you need to invest in   a web designer to get your business looking a 
bit better on your website most people get so   familiar with their website that they just can't 
see beyond it so be honest about it because your   customers have no allegiance to you and they will 
be comparing your website to your competitors so   on that basis if you've got your free website or 
if you've got a listing on bing yahoo or any other   website does google view that as an authority 
absolutely i'll see you tomorrow on day 11.

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