How To Rank Youtube Videos Fast | Youtube Keyword Research | Youtube SEO

How To Rank Youtube Videos Fast | Youtube Keyword Research | Youtube SEO

hi guys welcome back to the channel in today's 
video we're going to take a look at some secret   tips and tricks to get you to the top of youtube 
rankings by nailing some keyword research even if   you are a new user or small channel without 
further ado let's jump into today's content   so the first thing i'm going to do guys over on 
youtube i'm going to just search and this is very   straightforward anyone can do it and what what 
you think about is the particular subject of your   content so if you were creating stuff about gym or 
work in the gym or perhaps you're creating stuff   about crypto or perhaps anything else out there so 
i'm just going to use the word bitcoin because i'm   interested in crypto and i want to learn more 
about crypto and maybe create a channel based   around cryptocurrency so first of all by typing 
in bitcoin which as you can imagine is a fairly   popular search term we can see down below all 
the different types of keywords associated with   bitcoin so we can see bitcoin news bitcoin price 
and as we go further down the list we get to   less popular keywords but that's good because 
we can then rank for those especially if we're   a small channel it's quite difficult to rank for 
words that are going to be at the top of the list   because it's much more competitive environment i'm 
just trying to rank for bitcoin straight off is   going to be quite a difficult thing so we can see 
all of these down below i can create a spreadsheet   and i can put all of these into my spreadsheet and 
use those for further searches now there's other   things we can do to find some more varied searches 
and what i'm going to do here i'm going to put   bitcoin and then i'm going to put a and then i'm 
going to put a star and now you can see it's going   to give me by the alphabet all of the different 
things we've got bitcoin analysis bitcoin app   bitcoin analysis today and then you can see 
for example i can go through the whole list   and it's going to show me all of these different 
ones which normally wouldn't come up in a search   because maybe they're smaller ranking keywords but 
that doesn't matter guys because it's all about   ranking for something when you're very new and 
if you can find a particular keyword that that's   actually getting quite a lot of searches but maybe 
there's not a lot of good content available for it   then you can start to rank very early on in your 
youtube journey the same goes for before guys you   can write a start then it's going to show me the 
ranks where a comes before bitcoin like how to get   a free bitcoin how to buy a bitcoin etc and you 
can just then go through take all the keywords   that you've learned put them into a spreadsheet 
and that's something that you can then use   going forward now obviously that's a great way 
to get a lot of keywords and another way we're   going to look at is going to google and then 
searching through glossaries and you can see   by writing bitcoin glossary i can click on bitcoin 
glossary of terms and then coming down below guys   it's going to tell me all of the things associated 
with bitcoin through here like atomic swap all of   these different things i can take atomic swap just 
as an example guys and i can copy and paste atomic   swap into here then you can see there's all these 
videos based around it i can see that some of them   are getting some pretty good views and just by 
this search guys i can see that atomic swap atomic   swap crypto dex kedah no blah blah okay so i can 
keep building my keyword list trying out different   keywords seeing what is going to do well once 
i've got that list of keywords i can then take   them across and use another tool now if you're 
using google chrome guys it's also an amazing   tool called vid iq that you can also use and all 
you need to do to find it is click on extensions   coming down here guys you can see on open chrome 
web store coming across here you're going to find   vid iq or any other extensions you need for that 
matter you can see i can search for vid iq and   that's going to bring up this one i've already 
downloaded it but it's very straightforward and   easy to do there are paid versions of vid iq which 
if you want to up your game in youtube then it   could be a good idea to get but we're just going 
to take a look now at the free version available   and this is what your vid iq dashboard is going to 
look like once you've logged in and connected it   to your youtube channel that's going to show you 
some of the details of the channels that you've   been using through vid iq coming down to keyword 
opportunities i can then type in bitcoin like   i've been searching already and then it's going to 
show me a few bits and pieces around bitcoin i can   then look for things like related keywords where 
it's going to give me even more and not only that   guys it's going to give me overall scores you can 
see competition is very low but the search volume   seven million is pretty high so taking these two 
things into consideration it tells me that bitcoin   itself is a pretty good keyword i'm then looking 
for other things here we've got 46 000 searching   for bitcoin prediction uh bitcoin news 190 000 
but still again with very low competition and   then it gave you an overall score if you remember 
before guys one of the things that popped up was   bitcoin price prediction i can then search this 
it's going to get me variant on price prediction   as well as other search terms coming down below 
is going to give me questions it's going to give   me other matching terms and as well as that 
the top trending videos for that particular   topic and you can see how these kind of videos 
are looking you can use their thumbnails as   ideas to create your own content these are 
obviously pretty well established scripture   channels i'm encrypted like 563 altcoin daily one 
of the biggest with 1.2 million and you can look   at how their stuff is ranking and how you might 
be able to break in to that particular market   and start to take some of those views for yourself 
and you can see it's giving me three on each side   which is obviously great by upgrading to the pro 
plan which i think is around ten dollars a month   up to 297 more keywords for this which is 
obviously amazing obviously if you haven't got   the money to spend then the previous methods would 
work really well looking for things i can look   on related keywords again from this particular 
search term it's going to give me different ones   and yeah it gives me three each time i could just 
spend a long time putting in different search   terms and then i've got other things like matching 
terms showing me things that i might not have   even considered putting in i've got the ability 
to check on different competitors and compare   them against me i can look at the subscribers 
the public videos the average daily views etc   to see what people are doing guys guys if you 
want another tip for how you can start ranking on   youtube without taking any of your own effort then 
you can head over to which is linked   down below in the description and the expert team 
there will help you to rank at the top of youtube   search results within just 72 hours taking all of 
the hard work and guesswork out of it for you why   not leave it up to a team of specialized youtube 
seo keyword ranking experts really with youtube   you don't really need to reinvent the wheel guys 
there's lots of stuff available right now that you   know is working well because you can see how 
many views and things that people are getting   you can see how much people are interacting with 
their videos so go and look at those videos look   at how they're performing and things that they 
may be doing differently from other people   in the marketplace you can then go and create 
similar types of content look at their thumbnails   and explore lots of different ways but i'm sure 
that if you do this keyword research today it's   going to give you tons of new ideas for keywords 
that you can start to target that will be way   less competitive than the kind of mainstream 
ones that are ranking top and once you start   accumulating more views and your channel starts to 
grow then you can start going after those keywords   that may be a little bit more competitive and 
see if you can get into those higher levels of   search volume which is obviously what it's all 
about guys but my best advice for any of you   guys if you're new to youtube etc is to not give 
up there's plenty of opportunity for you to grow   your videos if you've made a few videos and you've 
not had any views that's absolutely fine the best   way to do it is just keep making content making 
sure you're getting better or a little better   every single time and you will start to shine in 
the youtube world so guys i hope all of those tips   and tricks are going to help you out in improving 
your game when it comes to ranking your videos   on youtube if however you're still struggling or 
perhaps you don't have the time to do it yourself   then make sure you head over to yt or anchor 
which is linked down below in the description guys   and then you're gonna be able to get a group of 
experts to help you rank videos in just 24 to 72   hours loads of information here on some reviews 
and how things work and how you can benefit from   using this service if you want to get in touch 
with anyone you can contact them through telegram   you can see all these different reviews from a 
different user so make sure you go and check it   out guys link down below in the description so 
in summary guys if you want to go and find some   amazing keywords for youtube that you haven't 
yet considered go across to youtube search you   can search for the one keyword you want to target 
and it's going to give you loads of suggestions   you can also go across to google check out the 
glossary based around the keyword that you want   to use and do some different searches for those 
glossary terms and if you want you can go across   to things like vidiq or tubebuddy where you can 
get either a free or a paid service that's going   to really help you to get new keywords and find 
keywords that are low competition but also with   tons and tons of views make sure you go away and 
get started with that guys there's no time like   the present if you enjoyed today's video make sure 
you smash the thumbs up button helps us out more   than you know and if you're new to the channel 
and you want to learn more about how to rank on   youtube as well as loads of other different things 
then make sure you subscribe to be kept up to date   with all the latest happening thanks for watching 
guys i'll see you very soon with another video bye

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