How To Easily Rank Number 1 On Google (SEO TUTORIAL)
okay guys so welcome to another video just got
home from work Feeling Good Feeling positive I wanted to talk as you can tell by the title
about Google search console today first of all this is not really relevant to Redbubble
the reason is that we do not have access very unfortunately to the search console of Redbubble
I would love if Redbubble did something like give access to people to see their search console I
would love to see their search console basically however we cannot see redbubble's search console
so this is only really relevant if you have your own website this is a general SEO video if you
have your own website you definitely want to watch this video however and basically I'm going to try
and fill in all the gaps of SEO so that people who might not know what SEO is or how it works they
can really get to grips with this complicated topic this is the company I work for I work for
isoot and this is their search console so first of all what is search console you can think of search
console as the dashboard for organic traffic okay so we can see everything we want here let's just
talk about what these numbers mean total so first of all we're looking at search type web so sorry
about the uh people are beeping the horn outside as usual so this is web search I'm going to focus
on web search I don't care really about images although I can change it to images if I wanted
but you can see that the images are quite low compared to the web I only really care about web
personally but that's just me so total Clicks in the last three months is 34 000 so that's about
10 000 clicks a month you can see that we're going through a period of going up and down this
point here is where we change the website which kind of changed all of the SEO if you don't know
about changing websites you have to do everything perfectly or you will lose a little bit of SEO so
you can see we lost a little bit of SEO but we're getting it back I'm not worried about it so that's
total clicks Impressions what is an impression an impression is when someone goes on Google and they
type something like best Italian soup brands for example and we go down we go down we go down this
is an impression okay so I have just given this page on my search console an impression from
Italy okay it's when something appears on the screen it's this is relevant for YouTube this
is relevant for Redbubble this is relevant for everything Impressions uh one of the main ways
that Google and all of these other websites they collect data okay now that's an impression a
click is when you click inside okay so when I'm Googling around to do research and things
like that I always make sure that I click on the article it probably doesn't affect it but I am
I'm really really paranoid about uh click-through rates okay so I always click it because I can't
help myself this was an article that I wrote probably I think it was two months ago let's
have a quick look if it says I think August looks like it was August yeah I don't really know
when I wrote this article but I think it was in August anyway so already and you can check this
live okay you can do this I if anyone's in America then please do this because I'd be really really
curious type in best Italian soup Brands and tell me where uh eye suit is okay I suit being the
company that I work for I am trying to get us to the top of this serp and I'm going to show
you a couple of tips on how to do that in this video so make sure you stay until the end that is
what total Impressions is average click-through rate or CTR okay is total Impressions divided
by total clicks per page okay so if I click on pages I can see that uh some of these have really
really high click-through rate so a good example to demonstrate this is our home page okay why
pause the video and tell me why you think our home page has such a higher click-through rate
than everything else pause the video write a comment let me know what you think I will explain
now it's because the main keyword for our website is of course I suit okay so it's people who are
searching specifically for our company so it makes sense that it has a much higher click-through
rate because people are already looking for our company so when they search for eye suit obviously
they're going to click on it average position and you should be careful with average position
okay because it's kind of a weird metric that you should be really really careful with
it's really really useful for doing one specific thing okay so let me just turn all
of these on let before I talk about average position first of all never ever turn all of
these on and compare them okay the reason is because average position can be easily affected
by how many keywords you have so let's say your average position goes down like ours has
but we have way more organic keywords here it means that it might seem like it's worse but
it's actually not it doesn't actually matter okay so just be careful with average position but it
is really really useful for looking at certain queries okay so black tie dress code perfect
example I want to see the average position or the current position of this keyword so what I
do is I click on the keyword in search console I click on the average position and I click on the
countries I now know that in the United States we are on just on the second page but if I click on
here we should be on the first page yeah so this is really really useful information that I cannot
find anywhere else okay except maybe using a VPN but even then the data is never going to be
fully accurate except on Google search console so this is so important for organic research
on your website and let me show you why if I type in Black Tie was it black tie dress code
probably I'm going to be on the first page here okay so let's do Ctrl F Type I shoot oh we're
not I would have expected this to be on the first page I'm kind of disappointed that we're
not on the first page are we on the second page okay I'm not really sure what's going on I'm
not really sure what's going on here guys um basically I'm in Italy so that's probably
what's happening here okay so it's fine but what I want you to be aware of is average
position is only important for doing specific research on specific keywords other than that it's
not really helpful so don't worry too much about average position the ones you want to be worrying
about are click-through rate Impressions and total clicks okay so let's put the data back to normal
this is how I normally look at the data okay the main thing I personally worry about I don't
care about clicks particularly okay I care about Impressions let me just quickly go to another
search console to show you what like an early search console might look like okay so this is for
the website that I set up for a video series uh I can't remember when I even set it up let's have
a look let's do last six months is it last six months yeah uh yeah about six months ago and if I
just put Impressions on you could technically say this website's growing but I'm not happy with how
this website's doing but to be fair I've only got I think like 10 really really bad articles okay
but interestingly this article alone on a website that has no Authority no power is actually
getting a decent amount of Impressions and what I want to do is I want to show you how we
can use Google search console to optimize this page so first of all you want to open the page
so we have an idea of what the page is about et cetera Etc it's actually not a bad article
to be fair it's just I don't think it's long enough and I don't think the data here is
quite good enough okay but what we can do is we can go to queries here and we can see we
can sort by Impressions again this isn't it's not really the best example I'll show you another
example using eye suits because generally I think this would have a lot more searches than just
14 in six months okay and the reason is because we're on page four and an impression only counts
if someone then goes to page four okay so let's go back to ISU I just wanted to show you what
an early website looks like so what we can do is let's find one of the articles that I wrote
recently and we'll we'll work from there so I'm going to sort it by impressions and I'm just
going to look because obviously I know which articles I've recently uh written beach wedding
attire for men casual formal guest group this was an amazing keyword if I may say so myself which
if you watch the next video I'll show you how I found all of these incredible keywords for free
and I'll show you how I write these articles so quickly and I mean look at that 22 000 Impressions
already let's just see when I wrote this article think it was less than six months ago yeah it
was way less it was May the 31st so May June July August September four four and a bit months
okay and it's getting 458 Impressions a day okay just think about that for a second look at
that growth you can see that it's just going to keep growing well I can see I don't know if
people know how this kind of thing works I can see that it's going to keep growing for
sure this is a Surefire thing for me now the clicks again I don't care about clicks I only
really care about Impressions so again let's open the page and I'll show you how we can use
Google search console to Perfect The Art of this basically what we're going to do is
we're going to click on queries here we're going to sort by Impressions we're going
to look for the highest amount Impressions and then what you would do is you would optimize the
article around these Impressions okay let me just quickly open up open board so I can show you what
I mean so what I like to do personally okay and I would I would highly advise you guys to follow
this method method method method methodology oh my God how do you say that word mythology
follow the energy I've got I'm forgetting English methodology oh methodology I highly recommend
you guys follow this methodology okay what I like to do is I like to write a really really
quick okay quick blog and then I like to post it and then I like to optimize it about three or four
months later okay that's my general tactics so you can see here now this already has thousands
of keywords on here I will tell you now this is a really really good sign okay the amount of
keywords an article has is super super important for some reason this isn't loading which is a
little bit worrying but that's fine whatever so what you'd do is you would for example
beach wedding attire for men it's kind of hard to optimize this but this one
here Beach men's beach wedding outfit 648 Impressions what about what does that mean it
means this is one of the most popular ways people search for this information I am now privy
to this knowledge so now I can optimize the article around that and also another thing
I can do is I can internally and externally internally X internally uh link using this
keyword when you link something let me show you what I mean here okay so all of these
websites they uh they work in the same way so Cura medium your website every website they
work in the same way so you write for example wants to know more about men's beach
wedding outfit men's beach wedding outfit uh check out our article okay so what you do is
you highlight this exact keyword which I've got from here you press Ctrl K or sometimes just
you have to just link manually so that hasn't actually worked I don't think maybe it has and
then you link like this why is that not working okay there we go yeah so now that is now
a link okay it's on a Google Document so it's not a great example but it could be
on Kiora Pinterest um medium your site Etc this is called um the anchor text okay so
the anchor text is the text that you highlight that you then link your article to this is telling
Google this is what my article is about I want you to rank me higher for this particular keyword
okay this is a secret that seos do not like to tell people because it's so simple okay you
write a quick blog post you find the keywords you post it sorry you post it then you find the
keywords from search console then you optimize um the article and then you link internally and
externally to that article using the anchor text like I just showed you guys okay that was a
very brief introduction to search console guys I really want to tell people as much information
about SEO as possible this isn't really relevant to Redbubble but it's relevant to your own
prints on demand project it's relevant to your own websites Niche affiliate blog posts
all that good stuff if you own the website you need to search console you need to set it up
and yeah next video is going to be how to find the initial quick blog keyword and how to produce
a blog post very very quickly that will Rank and it will give you the keywords that you can
then optimize around thank you so much for watching guys I'll see you really really soon
tomorrow with some more content and peace out