Get MORE VIEWS! || Simple SEO for Blogs, YouTube, and Social Media

Get MORE VIEWS! || Simple SEO for Blogs, YouTube, and Social Media

S E O, search engine optimization, it is often 
dotted as the save all of digital marketing   with good reason. At one point, the concept of 
SEO was reserved for blogs and websites but it's   since expanded into Youtube, Pinterest, and now 
digital marketers are talking about SEO on Tik Tok   and Instagram even. And I do admit that SEO can 
sound really fancy and self-important at times and   often really pretentious and confusing. To the 
point where beginners feel really intimidated.   But search engine optimization is really just 
a fancy way of saying that you are setting up   your content so that it can be found on search 
engines like Google, or Youtube, or Ask Jeeves,   Bing, are either of those used anymore? You can 
dive really deep into SEO but you can still be   incredibly successful just remembering two key 
concepts. And it all comes down to keywords.   Specifically, keyword usage and keyword research. 
If you've watched my intro to Pinterest video this   might sound familiar, keywords or key phrases 
are the terms that describe what your content   is about.

So you need to be using them 
in your content. Think about it this way,   if you want your blog post to rank on Google, 
in other words show up in the top search result,   for a specific query, you need to include that 
query and variations of it in your blog post so   that Google and other search engines know to serve 
it to those looking for it. If I make a blog post   trying to rank for purple ombre box braids but 
I somehow never use those words in the post   how on earth is Google going to know what I'm 
writing about? So where do we put those keywords?   Editing Kaya here, because I really want to 
hammer in SEO for social media platforms too.

No   matter the platform, the algorithms are scanning 
everything they possibly can to properly identify,   categorize, and serve your content to the correct 
audience. So you want to put your keywords   everywhere you can. So for Instagram, that's your 
captions, your alt text, your hashtags, closed   captions if applicable, say the words if you 
are speaking to the camera or doing a voiceover.   And for Tik Tok, honestly, the same thing. And for 
a blog, well they should be included organically   all throughout the text. As well as in your title, 
your headers, alt text for relevant photos, your   meta description, but please don't keyword stuff 
or try any sleazy tactics like writing the keyword   a million times and changing the text colour to 
white. The search engines can see right through   that and you will be penalized and it does affect 
user experience for anybody using screen readers.   When trying to determine if I have used keywords 
enough, and in the right places, I will turn to   my Yoast plugin.

It is not foolproof but it will 
guide me and tell me if I am using my keywords too   often and whether or not I have included them 
in all the best places. But here's the thing,   just including keywords that you think best 
describe your content, or for queries that you are   hoping to rank for on Google, that's not going to 
cut it. You need to do research keyword research   is a critical part of any SEO strategy. You need 
to look at two things first. How many people are   searching for a specific keyword? In other words, 
is there enough demand for this query? Second   thing you want to look at is how competitive 
it is. How much well-optimized content already   exists for this search query? If your blog is on 
the newer side and doesn't have very much traffic   or authority yet you won't be able to outrank 
a post from a major website instead look for   similar keywords.

Some synonyms perhaps or try key 
phrases that are on the longer side and might be   less competitive to search these two things. I use for my blog. It also has a gajillion   other very useful features like analyzing my 
content and recommending similar keywords to try.   And then for Youtube, I use Tubebuddy to do my 
keyword research. If you want to check out either   of those tools and support this channel I do have 
affiliate links in my description. I also have a   discount code for key search. When it comes to 
researching keywords on social media platforms   the tools aren't as sophisticated so more often 
than not, that's going to look like going into the   search bar beginning to type in your key phrase 
and looking at what autocompletes.

Because those   are likely to be some of the most highly searched 
topics. Then when it comes to competition, you   want to look at how many people are using those 
keywords on Instagram. You can see how many people   are using a specific hashtag and on Tik Tok you 
can see how many views a particular hashtag has   and this by no means is everything you need 
to know for SEO but it's definitely a start   that will make a powerful difference.

When I 
started to include well-researched keywords   in my blog posts I started seeing my content 
rank more consistently on Google. It took   a couple months but I trusted the process. 
More blog tips coming soon! Until next time!.

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