Contentbär – so einfach kommt man auf Position 1 beim SEO Contest 2021

Contentbär – so einfach kommt man auf Position 1 beim SEO Contest 2021

Hey folks, it's me your content bear! Why
am I here? There's an SEO contest where all the SEOs fight each other all day
and it's somehow about getting to the number 1 position and this year the word
what it's about is content bear and that's why I'm the content bear here… the absolute upper content bear!
Why am I doing this? Well, quite simply, I 'm still in position number 28 & 28 isn't
particularly good, so I thought, I've heard SEO-wise it's quite good if
you make YouTube videos like this and that's why I just make YouTube videos here and then
I'll watch Let's see if we can crawl up there past all the other people. I
think that will work well and if not then I'll
make another video and make another video and make another video…
until we finally get to the top! So, we see and hear each other and yes, it's me
your content bear! So bye and see you later!.

Watch this as video on Youtube

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