Best WordPress plugin to dominate WordPress SEO by Squirrly

Best WordPress plugin to dominate WordPress SEO by Squirrly

if you have ever wondered what you need to do to be number one on google searches to gain more customers then this video is what you can't afford to miss google algorithms can make you feel powerless over the organic searches people use to find your site and i wouldn't wish that powerless feeling upon anybody hi i'm : Sol: Johnston. i spent the last 22 years making websites and blogs for businesses with the goal of becoming number one on google in today's video i'll show you how to break through and unlock the new seo google algorithms in this crowded marketplace to bring traffic to your site i can't wait for you to see how amazing this plugin is because ranking your website to be number one on google searches is guaranteed with this tool that's why you can't miss any part of this video it has everything needed to dominate in the seo world and get google noticing you even faster even as quickly as in one month's time you may have heard my story already if you've been to my website or seen some of my other videos but i want to share it with you now because i think it is important for you to know that i've been right where you are at this moment i've been there i used to struggle with writing seo for blogs and use the popular yoast and rank math plugins and i was getting little results on google searches i knew there had to be more to seo than i was told so i would look online for hours trying to see what google said on their site as well as research any little secret i could find on blogs and tutorials it wasn't until one day that i realized that most seo tools are limited in how they approach google algorithms and you tend to have to use quite a few to get any results it can be very costly if you aren't up to speed with your search engine optimization or seo so customers can find you but you are in luck today because someone took the time and effort to make it easy for you so after spending countless hours and research and doing it the hard way i got fed up with all the hard work and little results google was giving me so one day after searching through countless plugins i found the squirly company now you wouldn't want to lose money because google overlooks your website right being behind the times is not the way to make money because as we know if you're not keeping up you're left behind well the good news is that squirly has done the research to make the seo experience easy for you they have a powerful artificial intelligence that has a seo test that scans your website to see what your weakness points are which i thought was pretty cool the ai in this plugin makes it like 650 plugins in one they help you while you're in your blogger page and instantly create your json led open graph twitter card google index and add to your page to sitemap.xml all at one time it even lets you edit any one of those descriptors all in one place for example you can edit the json ld which allows google to display your website a specific way on the search results this tool really takes the headache out of writing your blogs and tells you exactly what google is looking for they even help you find royalty-free photos for your blog post another great feature is how they help you pick focus pages to narrow down your niche so that google knows what target audience you're looking for this can even optimize your whole site in one click squirrely seo pricing is very reasonable when you consider 650 plugins in one and how much advertising cost that you would have otherwise spent on your articles and niches on google search rank math and yoast only have like five or six features and are very limited in what they do to help your entire site to be audited they are only focused on one blog page at a time squirly seo pro guarantees in one month to bring you rankings which i haven't seen anywhere else they even have a step-by-step formula that's built into their plugin to rise you to the top let me answer a few questions you are probably thinking right now why don't the big time plugins rank math and yoast get you to be number one in google they don't review your whole website or use artificial intelligence to figure out the google algorithm when it sees your website doesn't seo tend to be mainly about counting words in your blog well google's formula of course changed and it's about the keywords but more importantly it's about how you use the keywords in your articles content length and how you use your keywords on your entire website in a strategic manner so they look at the whole picture not just one blog at a time now that you have found out more about seo hurry and get your free bonus training on the guide to faster google seo success we will go deeper into how google finds you speeding up that exposure and ranking you faster if you enjoyed this video give it a thumbs up don't forget if you want to be number one on google i have this free training for you it will help you with getting your blog noticed faster by google so they can rank you higher until next time bye

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