How To Get Google To Trust Your Business For Seo

How To Get Google To Trust Your Business For Seo

imagine going to a shop or doing business with 
someone who fully understood what you were looking   for they understood your concerns they empathize 
with your needs, they even knew what question   you were going to ask next you'd feel really 
comfortable doing business with them because   you know they spoke your language and they seem to 
understand all your issues and you would see them   as an absolute authority, you put your trust in 
them and you'd even recommend them to other people   because they knew exactly how to deal with you 
as a customer so in Google My Business is there   something that can do that for you is there 
a way in getting that feeling over to your   customers and clients so they feel comfortable 
so they recommend you because they know that you   understand them well there certainly is and again 
it's something that very few people are using on   their google my business listing that's we're 
going to look at, in day 9 of this 30 day free   challenge so what are we actually talking about 
today for google my business we're talking about a   section called Questions and Answers it appears in 
most people's knowledge panel and majority of them   actually don't have anything in them at all it's 
real estate they're waiting to be used it's those   pixels we spoke of yesterday those million-dollar 
pixels they're waiting there no one's using them   and actually when people do use them when people 
do ask questions quite often they're not even   being answered by the person owning the business 
it's bizarre you've got a customer interested asks   a question fills it out and yet no one comes 
back to them, that's barely customer service   so what we're going to do today is focus on what 
can we do to use this in the right way how can we   use this to build confidence for your customers 
going forward what tips and tricks have we got   to make it work for you today and also how do you 
use it what's its purpose how can you tighten with   your website as well well for the majority of 
the knowledge panels and businesses out there   it just says be the first to ask a question and 
most people then when they ask that first question   nothing happens so what we're going to do 
today is work out what types of questions   should you be putting here and I'm also 
going to just cover the fact that there's   a myth that people seem to think that you can't 
put your own questions in your own business now   some people might say well that's manipulating 
it but actually google wants you to do that   Google wants you to think as a business owner 
okay what are my customers constantly asking me   maybe they're asking am I open Sundays 
maybe they're asking do I do takeaways   do i do a happy hour and even though you might 
have that information in the hour section   if you put it as a question and then answer it 
as well that will give you some type of signal   in google that you're recognizing the needs of 
your customers and when customers see the very   questions they're asking well they're then going 
to feel that you understand them that you've   anticipated what they were going to ask it builds 
trust it makes you the expert to turn to they'll   then recommend you as being the business to turn 
to so in the video often speak about questions to   ask yourself today questions to be honest about 
so here's your questions for today do you have   an faq section on your website how do you put 
an faq section together on your website or just   look through your emails look through what your 
customers are asking you to think about what was the   last question you asked regarding your business 
and make that the start of your faq section   all you then do is state the question as simply 
as you possibly can and then put the answer down   below and if you do already have an faq section 
on your website that will then form the basis of   your questions and answers on google my business 
so again just think about what's the top three   that people are asking and then add them to your 
faqs and also to your questions answers in fact   the two can align together they're pretty much 
going to be the same so that's the first thing   i want you to do now look at your faq section 
on your website and just think does that align   with the questions that are really being 
asked so if you know that your questions   are being asked by customers all the time on 
something specific and your faq doesn't mention it   well then you need to change it so get your faq on 
your website working first that's the first thing   to ask yourself is it actually working for you and 
now be honest when was the last time you went to   see are your questions and answers being answered 
on your listing now the problem is that most   people think their questions and answers should 
be within the control panel at the back of their   google my business listing but it isn't it's 
all just purely done on the front end section   it's done where the customers ask the questions 
so what you do is you just look up your website   put in your company name you'll then see the 
knowledge panel should appear if it hasn't you've   got some optimization to do and then just as you 
come down you'll see their questions and answers   and just check to see is there anything that you 
haven't answered if there's a question on that you   haven't answered well then you need to answer 
it straight away now if you do have questions   on there then the final question to ask is is 
the most relevant question at the top and the   simple way to get that to the top is you need to 
get more thumbs up on that question and answer   than the others so if for instance everything's 
got one thumbs up because you thumbed them up then   you need to ask one or two others could they just 
give that thumbs up in the team maybe the people   you work with maybe some relatives you just need 
to get some more thumbs up and over the next few   days you'll then see that that will become the top 
question so google basically is giving rank to the   ones that have the most thumbs up asking questions 
is part of learning isn't it when you're a child   you ask questions and that's how you learn 
and as you get older you ask good questions   specific questions that really get to the point 
but that's also true when it comes to asking   questions in a business what sets you different 
to all the other businesses well you might want   to raise that through a really good question 
in fact tony robbins said regarding questions   successful people ask better questions 
and as a result they get better answers   so we want to get good questions in their ones 
that are real and that are being asked by your   customers so as a word of warning though just 
bear in mind that anyone can ask questions   and it may be one that's not a question that 
you really know the answer to so again handle   it professionally and obviously if it's a question 
that's not relevant to your business at all then   just make sure other questions get ahead by those 
thumbs up method so what else can you do when you   answer these questions well make them descriptive 
give them some detail give them some information   that's actually going to be helpful and don't 
just answer them with a yes or no but anticipate   what their next question would be too and maybe 
you can then put them through to a service or talk   about something you do in your products or your 
services that's specifically going to help them to   achieve and anticipate what it is they're trying 
to achieve what that does that's good customer   service go that extra mile the thing is you're not 
just doing it to the person that asked a question   you're doing it for all the other people that 
are reading that question because it's their   question too so you're giving constant customer 
service once you write a good question and answer   on your google my business listing so let me now 
give you an example of how you can do it so i'm   going to do one for you with you so just imagine 
here then we've got larue window cleaning services   so to get the knowledge panel up i just typed 
in larue windows and that one brings up the   knowledge panel for me and if i now come down the 
page i just check to see is there any questions   and answers so you notice here be the first 
to ask a question and you may then ask well   then what type of question can i ask it now 
if there were questions they would exist here   so let me give an example of how that would 
look if i type in my company name for example   if i come down to questions see all 10 
questions if i open this up you'll see here are   the questions with various votes and answers too 
trying to be as helpful as possible using keywords   where necessary so that kind of gives you an idea 
of how that works let's just go back to larue   window cleaning services and so they 
haven't got any questions and answers   be the first to ask a question so if we click 
this and now we've got to think about what type of   question would someone ask that was interested in 
window cleaning services if you just type in your   category which is window cleaning services you 
just notice one of the things you can do in google   is if you come down the page you'll notice as a 
people also ask and this is a great way to get   some inspiration for the types of questions if 
you haven't been given any feedback at all yet   one of the other ways you can go is you can go 
to blogs or you can go to areas where people ask   questions like reddit and see what questions 
people are asking there maybe on forums as   well as another great place to get questions 
maybe if you're on a forum for your business   look to see what question keeps being asked 
and put that as your first question but if you   haven't got any of those then this is another tip 
then so people also ask how much does it cost to   clean windows is it window cleaning worth it what 
does window cleaning include you might want to   open these up and just see what types of answers 
people are giving now by no means do you want to   copy this because that won't do any benefits 
in google but it will give you some ideas so   you might want to think about how can i package my 
service and explain what's included in my package   you might want to just speak about what your 
cost per window is if that's how you cost things   you notice if you want to get more you open up 
one and you get more so what do professional   winter cleaners use well that's a question 
you might want to say what products do i use   do you clean windows or blinds first that's 
perhaps more of a person wanting to do it   themselves so some of these won't apply but if you 
open up more you'll get more questions the idea   is it's going to get you thinking as customers 
are thinking some of these will be applicable   and many of them won't so what are you going to 
actually do today then based on this video well   first of all you're going to make sure you've got 
an faq on your website so if you haven't you know   that that's something you need to do if there's a 
wordpress website there's a few plugins you can do   then you want to then align those q and a's and 
the faqs together as well you want them to work   together but before you do that you may also want 
to make sure you've got an ad contact form on your   website why because you want people to feed 
back their questions you want your customers   to be able to give you questions not 
just via email but to do it also via   a contact form and then you'll know what the most 
asked questions are for your business and in that   way you'll connect through the faq and through the 
questions and answers you also want to make sure   you just know what questions in general people are 
asking in your environment so read blogs and see   what questions people put on the comments section 
there or go to places like forums where people are   asking questions like reddit for example you want 
to check your gmb listing so like we've just done   see if there's any questions on there and if there 
is answer them and then make sure you've got the   right ones to the top by using the thumbs up 
method and then also as we've seen you can check   google there's some questions that will be raised 
there you might want to then use those as a basis   for getting some basic questions up and 
running there's also another place you   can go to so here's my free tool 
of the day it's answer the public   how does that work well let me show you and you 
just simply it's free you just go into there   type in whatever is the service you're after 
so in this case it's a window cleaning service   and then i'm going to do search and 
what this will do then it will look   through google and other search engines to see 
what's the most common questions being asked   with those types of products in mind and the best 
way to then deal with it is rather than using this   situation here which is really confusing if you 
just click on data and here's all the questions   related to window cleaning services so some of 
these some of these will work not all of them so   how much does a window cleaning service cost is 
one that we saw on google but what you'd then do   is you're clarified by saying but of course give 
me a call and i'll give you a free quote so you're   anticipating the fact that people want to know 
information but they don't really expect a full   answer without having some type of conversation 
with you so just keep it open but the fact that   you're the one who's answering that question will 
then get you found and particularly relevant in   the results so it's been a really important lesson 
helping people to really understand that you can   comprehend what their concerns are you're speaking 
their language and you're empathizing with what   they're worried about and that will have a big 
impact and that will get you fresh new traffic   as they tell other people about your business but 
tomorrow i'm going to share with you my favorite   tool for getting fresh new business through 
the doors so i'll see you tomorrow on day 10.


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