The Download, S2 Ep2: How to use visuals to drive stronger SEO – Getty Images

The Download, S2 Ep2: How to use visuals to drive stronger SEO – Getty Images

Look the world is a big place 
where beauty takes many forms   stories have many sides and truth 
finds its way through the camera's lens   for more than 25 years we've reflected the world 
as it is and captured the beauty of what it can be   our three unique brands have one distinct 
goal to move the world just take a look on today's download we'll show you how the visuals 
you choose can affect how your site ranks share   steps you can take to improve your seo results and 
give you tips on how to think differently about   the images and videos that connect customers to 
your content if you have amazing digital content   but nobody can find it how can it make an impact 
the download presented by getty images starts now so hello and welcome to the download presented by 
getty images your insiders look into the world   of visual storytelling and what it means for 
your marketing and communications i'm jennifer   kelly your host customer success manager here 
at getty images thank you so much for joining   us as always i want to extend a special welcome 
to our premium access subscribers whether you're   joining us on linkedin live or watching us on 
demand we're here each month to help you get the   most out of your getty images plan thank you so 
much for being a customer and now on to the show   when you hear the term search engine optimization 
or seo you probably think about keywords and   phrases but did you know that images and videos 
can play a big part in how your pages are ranked   on a search results page here to share some tips 
and dispel some myths about visuals and seo is   getty images vice president for search engine 
optimization matt or such over to you matt thanks   jennifer and welcome everyone to our discussion 
today on how to use visuals to drive stronger seo   let me start by sharing my screen if you're new 
to digital marketing best practices for organic   search or even a novice i'm sure you'll find the 
material in this presentation helpful to improving   your use of imagery if you're looking to grow 
your seo opportunities for audience generation when you think of getting images as a brand 
you may not immediately think of search engine   optimization as a topic we'd cover but that's why 
i'm here leading the conversation and guiding us   through this incredibly interesting and sometimes 
complicated area of digital marketing so let's get   to know each other a little better first i've been 
at getty images for just about three years now   and working as an seo specialist for more 
than 20 years across multiple industries   and lines of business i'm an industry speaker at 
digital marketing conferences and online events   and have worked on all types of businesses from 
small brick and mortar to large enterprise sites   both internally at large brands and on the 
agency side if there's one thing i've learned   about seo that i love to share it's that 
it's constantly changing evolving and influx   let's talk about our agenda for today we'll 
briefly cover understanding the basics of seo   so we're on the same page then address the myth 
of stock imagery in our industry the truths about   imagery and seo and several tips for optimizing 
your imagery for seo and how to choose the right   imagery seo or search engine optimization is the 
process of improving the rankings of your website   its content your app your products or business 
listings in search engines like google bing and   yahoo the end goal of seo is improving your core 
business kpis whether it's visitors leads sales   or revenue generation gone are the days of 
google presenting just 10 blue links of text   as a search result now search engines have 
several different kinds of modules and features   like website listings knowledge panels and 
more which we'll cover in just a moment   over the years we've heard that there are more 
than 200 different ranking factors for search   engines in my 20 years in seo we've heard about 
confirmed and unconfirmed algorithm updates and   changes but we have been given only about 10 
or 20 specific definitive directions to follow   the rest we try to reverse engineer and do what's 
best for the user optimizing imagery has become   increasingly important in the last few years 
and its prominence has grown in search results   many search engine features and modules now 
contain or even require imagery in order   for you to rank in them let's explore 
some of these opportunities further let's talk about one of those things first that is 
a myth in our industry that i wanted to spell and   get out of the way the myth is that stock photos 
and imagery are not good for seo we need original   imagery to rank our content sorry but it's 
just not true the facts are quite the opposite   being an seo for more than 20 years 
i've seen a lot of search results   and across every vertical and industry 
stock imagery is used around the world   every day and works very well to represent the 
content it is paired with for organic search   content with imagery in fact has more 
options and traffic generation opportunity   than that without it i know from the amount of 
our own imagery that i see in search results today   used by our customers and the featured modules 
containing those images that it just isn't true   imagery has become more valuable over the years 
in seo do the changing landscape of what types of   media search engines are surfacing from websites 
they rank in results google's 10 blue links of   text as a search result have morphed greatly 
over the last few years many search engines now   surface the imagery of a piece of a content for 
their web results these can come from web pages   articles blog posts infographics hero images 
product listings and videos like i said before   more than 50 percent of searches have an image 
or group of images in the results in google as   of may 2022 and this number has grown by more 
than three times in just the last couple of years   imagery has become more valuable over the years 
in seo due to the changing landscape of what   types of media come up in search results today's 
world of processing power and connectivity speeds   have increased and the additional bandwidth comes 
with more media opportunities like heavier items   like high quality images and 4k video we all know 
there's more engagement with content that has   imagery as well but beyond that it's a required 
element of many of the features in organic search   in order to get ranked let's discuss three search 
features that require imagery first google news   it's usually given top billing and organic results 
and image is a required item for google news   it is almost impossible to rank in the top five 
stories of any keyword search with significant   monthly search volume without an image second 
google discover is the newest way to have articles   blogs sites and news brought to an interest-based 
feed on your mobile android or apple device   google's requirements clearly state include 
compelling high quality images in your content   especially large images that have more likely 
generation for discover visits the difference   between the two though google news is a feature 
within google search results and the user needs   to search for a topic on google for it to show up 
whereas google discover is on your mobile device   and is a curation of stories blog posts articles 
web pages and more which are selected from around   the web of recently published content specific 
to the personalization google knows about you   for me i see content on digital marketing seo 
imagery and photography star wars and baseball   and it rotates constantly throughout the day 
images are required for both of these systems   lastly image pack results now visible in 
search results more than 50 percent of the time   search engines surface between 10 and 20 
images in a collection from its search   engine system on web results driven by many 
factors that we're going to cover right now let's talk about five tips for 
choosing seo friendly imagery   and how to optimize them unique images have 
the advantage of being specific to your brand   perhaps aligning to your color palette imagery 
style and audience demographics when it comes to   seo having imagery that helps customers identify 
your brand the content that you're creating and   its goals should be your first selection criteria 
use a high quality or high resolution image   one that is at least 1200 pixels wide and 
an aspect ratio of 16 by nine four by three   or one by one these are all recommended 
elements provided by google's documentation   our asset title and description help 
you with ideas on how to save the asset   to your website with a valuable file name and 
caption again both requirements by google systems   the same general best practices apply 
to video and optimizing your youtube   your content the words you say within 
your video and the title and description   all contribute to the optimization of the 
video to show in results for your audience   youtube automatically creates a transcript of 
what you say not just for closed captioning not or available text for accessibility screen readers 
is also a must for seo finally use structured data   in the code of the page a technical representation 
of the imagery's metadata like date created   location shot the file name if it's in part or 
another item like a product or recipe for videos   the length of the video and any other key moments 
are also valuable in this area that's about it and   with that i'll wrap it up i want to thank you for 
spending time with us today getty images to review   how to use visuals to drive stronger seo have a 
great day and i'll turn it back over to jennifer thanks matt a lot of great information 
there we'll be back to show you how   matt's tips apply to your search for visual 
content on right after this our amazing visual content is just one 
thing that makes getty images unique   another is access to visual experts and some 
of the industry's top talent whether here   on the download from our blog or through our 
visual gps and creative insights presentations   there's just a wealth of well-researched valuable 
content that's easily accessible and available on   demand with that in mind here to share some 
tips tricks and examples of   seo friendly content please welcome to the show 
senior research editor chris perez in niges   hi chris welcome hey jennifer thank you so much my 
name is chris perez aniges senior research editor   on the getty north american research team i'm here 
to give you a quick five-minute tour of the site   and show you how to find some great seo content 
now the spot that we just saw touched on this   fast emerging force of tech innovation within 
the wellness space our creative insights team   has done some extensive research and analysis 
on this topic as well as many other topics   such as finance travel sustainability 
and dei or diversity equity and inclusion   which has enabled the creation of some powerful 
forward-thinking new content which you can access   on our site starting on the main page underneath 
browse and within the creative insights link and up at the top under the tab trends   which lands us on this page here now scrolling 
down let's look into this article that explores   technology and wellness in more detail called 
patient empowerment and video storytelling these articles are a major resource for current 
social and cultural data as well as forgetty's   own proprietary data that tells us what type 
of content is trending among our customers   all of which ultimately drives and 
powers the content that we offer to you   additionally these articles are great places 
to start a search as they often contain   links to related content at the bottom here are 
some sample images related to tech and wellness   right above that is a link to a board of assets 
curated by our in-house creatives called e-health   europe videos clicking into this link into 
a new tab brings us directly to the board so here we have a 99 clip sampler of 
recommendations from our getty visual experts   clicking into this one at the top into a 
new tab opens up what's called the asset   details page or the adp now in terms of 
choosing seo friendly imagery you can make   sure that you're choosing authentic high quality 
and relevant imagery by simply noting contributors   that you're drawn to via the link in the credit 
line here on the right side underneath details   this one is by visual space click into that 
link into a new tab opens up the portfolio   on the left here under the filters panel you can 
see that their name has been applied as a filter   and now you can search their portfolio as normal 
let's type in a couple of keywords to start   technology and exercise click enter 
and as you can see searching specific   contributors is a great way to ensure 
a consistent and high quality aesthetic another tip to support seo is to make sure 
that you're choosing high resolution and   large images as matt had mentioned which 
you can specify here on the right column   underneath purchase a license and 
finally taking note of all the text   within the adp surrounding the asset 
including the title up here at the top   the description right underneath and my favorite 
resource the keyboard cloud at the bottom all can   serve as the ideal reference for you to go title 
caption and name your own files for your projects   i highly recommend using the keyword cloud to 
support your search because it contains all   the keywords associated with the clips that you're 
drawn to in language which may not be as intuitive   for example this clip alone contains the key words 
body conscious real people west asian ethnicity even arabic style and non-us film location among 
many others simply click into a word to perform a   quick search or take note of the keywords that you 
want to use and combine them with other keywords   in your search bar back to our main search 
page making sure that we're searching within   creative video i want to type in a couple 
of those keywords starting with real people healthy lifestyle technology and let's add non-us film location   click enter and already we have nine and a half 
thousand images to choose from and to refine from   so use this keyword cloud to your advantage as 
well as the other clues within the adp to find   the highest quality content that meets your 
seo expectations and that's five good luck to   you on your seo journey back to you jennifer 
thank you chris so many great tips there the   keyword cloud is one of my favorites as well 
everyone else will be right back after this well we've come to the end of today's 
show i wanted to take a second to   thank chris and matt again for their expert search 
tips and seo tips thank you both for joining us   don't forget to check out all of our past episodes 
including premium access live over on the getty   images events page and watch them anytime on 
demand if you have any questions about premium   access in general visit or 
contact your getty images representative   we'll be happy to connect with you we'll 
be back next month with premium access   live so please let us know if there are 
any topics that you would like us to cover   by emailing us at the download thanks again for   joining us today i've been your host jennifer 
kelly we'll see you next time on the download

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